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A service that allows professionals to pinpoint narration sound adjustment and restoration


Recording your own narration is quite difficult, isn't it? Have you ever used a troubled sound source that failed to be recorded ?

" Hybrid Sound Reform " makes it easy to repair, correct, and create more high-end sounds. Why not outsource high-quality audio editing (repair) technology to professionals even on a limited budget?

Narration with subtle sound quality is unpleasant

Someone who is creating some kind of video content. Voice quality is very important if it is narrated. For many who have been familiar with television since they were born, the standard for "easy-to-listen narration" is television programming. If the sound quality is lower than that, the grade will be instantly low.

The variety of videos on YouTube makes you feel familiar with the instant sound quality , but unless the video has an impact, it will be difficult to win the hearts of many users. The popular YouTuber, which boasts an enormous number of views, has a high quality sound.

2. 高品質なトラックデータを準備する


  • 適切なファイルフォーマット:一般的にはWAV形式が推奨されます。MP3(m4aなども)は圧縮による音質劣化があるためプロエンジニアは意図的な劣化を狙う以外は編集に用いることはありません。

  • トラックごとの整理:各トラックが個別にクリアに分かれていること。名前を付けて整理するとエンジニアが作業しやすくなります。

  • 適切なレベル:各トラックの音量レベルが適切であり、クリッピングがないことを確認します。

High-performance condenser microphones are used for the voices of announcers and performers on TV. The pin microphone on the performer's chest is also expensive. It is difficult to obtain the same quality at low cost . Recording in a professional narration studio is accompanied by a professional engineer and is soundproofed, so the quality is almost certain. If you don't have the same production budget as big TV media, you can say that it is difficult to use it on a daily basis.

Retrofit correction technique is difficult

For narration that must be recorded with limited equipment and recording environment, correction after recording is essential. If you can master the equalizer , compressor, limiter, etc., it will be easier to express a professional sound image.

For quality, another problem arises when using high quality condenser microphones. Recording in a place without a soundproof environment causes a lot of extra noise (picking up even the small noise of the air conditioner and clock hands), and it is necessary to further acquire an audio restoration application and its technology to correct it. Experience points are required to learn.

For example, the squeaking noise of a chair on which a narrator sits can be a major problem when creating a master.

4. 適切なエンジニアを選ぶ


  • 実績と評価:過去のクライアントの評価や実績を確認します。信頼できるエンジニアかどうかの判断材料になります 。

  • 予算とのバランス:依頼するエンジニアの料金が自分の予算内であるかを確認します。予算内で最も高いクオリティを提供できるエンジニアを選びましょう 。

5. 契約内容の確認

正式に依頼する前に、契約内容をしっかりと確認することが重要です。料金、納期、支払いタイミング、リビジョンの回数など、事前に明確にしておくべきポイントを確認しましょう。また、トラブルを避けるために、メールやチャットでのやり取りを記録しておくと良いです 。




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